With every trip out here, I always try and pick up the garbage left by folks that don't respect the land. Even with all this beauty, there are always plastic water bottles, beer cans, and lots of other junk that people just toss out because they are too lazy to take their trash out with them. I think it's the same type of people that enjoy throwing rocks through other people's windows. I wish that everyone would respect the beauty of this place and all the places in this world, but as I live life I see that the majority of people are just plain dumb-asses that just don't care. It's far too much trouble to throw trash in a garbage can when you could just throw it on the ground. It's just far too much fun to throw rocks into someone's windows rather than respect the simple building in the wilderness that someone else has made. It's disappointing to me to come out to this beautiful place "far from civilization" and see that the dumbest of the dumb can still come out here and screw up such a beautiful place because of their lack of respect for this earth and those that truly enjoy the beauty of the nature this world can provide. This place is a hidden paradise, but I always see the signs even here from those that must not be too bright that come in and see the beauty of this place and still make it a point to screw it up the best they can. Why must people be so ignorant?