A little bit of paradise!

When I was a young boy, my dad took us on a summer vacation trip to west Texas staying a couple of nights at Garner State Park. I remember the feeling of awe I had seeing all the hills and the cool blue water of the Frio River and how I wished that one day I could live in this wonderland. Many years later in April of 2004 a friend of mine, Frank Wood, invited me and a couple of other folks to a cabin he was building along some river front property not too far away from the Garner State Park I had visited as a child. I immediately fell in love with this place and decided that this was the time for me to get my piece of my childhood dream.

Me and Cyndi had been planning on buying a small get away in Galveston for weekend vacationing and had found a nice little spot along the beach that we were interested in. After visiting Frank's place, I knew that the Frio was a much better place to invest in our little weekend getaway spot. Of course Cyndi wasn't too enthusiastic about driving five hours from home for our weekend getaway and when I told her about getting a place out there over getting a place at Galveston (which is just about an hour away from our home) she told me I was just plain nuts. I convinced her to trek out to the Frio with me for a weekend and ensured her she would change her mind once we got there.

I contacted a real estate agent in Leakey, Texas about showing us some available properties along the Frio and we went out there in June of 2004. During the five hour drive, Cyndi told me how ridiculous this whole venture was and how it made no sense for us to buy a place that was so far from home. I kept with my conviction and kept telling Cyndi that if she felt the same way after we got there I would forever banish the thought from my mind.

Once we got to Leakey, we met up with the real estate agent who drove us to several places that were available along the Frio. We looked at several sites and eventually came to a rugged place just downstream from Frank's place. This place had 200' of river frontage, a tree'd in area behind the frontage with a 100' high bluff in back of it and several acres of rough (but beautiful) land on top of the bluff with a wonderful view of the river below. Looking at this spot, Cyndi smiled and said “Robert, you were right. This is the most beautiful place and is definitely worth the drive. We should get this place!” We purchased this lot and have been going there every few weeks enjoying every minute of it.

I make sure I get out to the river every few weeks and take lots of pictures each time I go. This is my photo journal of the trips to my little piece of paradise.

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        April - Total Eclipse of the Sun


        October - Annular Eclipse of the Sun


        March - It's Been a Long Time


        July - Time To Mow


        March - Family River Trip


        March - Cleaning Up


        August - Peace, Love, and Joy - Life Is Good


        August - Family Trip To The River

        July - Sunrise, Sunset


        June - Park, Alamo, Sunflowers, Train Station

        April - Excellent Things To Do At The River

        March - Rechecking the Property Line


        November - Texas Waffles and Kerplunking Rocks

        May - Ok.

        February - The beautiful sun


        November - Being thankful

        October - Dry old oaks

        August - Zackery and Grandaddy's first overnight camping trip together

        May - Taking a few 'long' time friends to the river

        March - Yellow-Blue and Ducking Under Trees (Again)


        December - The end of the world

        August - Swimming in the 'Green Water'

        July - With a little help from my friends

        June - Along came a spider

        April - Doing some chores

        March - Three grandkids having fun at the river

        February - Quick overnight run in February


        November - An enchanted weekend out west

        October - Remembering the Space Shuttle

        September - Keep Your Butts Inside

        August - Triple Digit Heat

        July - Bella Vida

        June - Summer Heat

        May - Doing nothing

        April - The zombies are coming

        March - A trip with the little ones

        February - Being cold isn't so bad

        January - Commandeering a camera

        January - Bud Light?


        December - A frozen river

        November - In heaven

        October - The a-maize-ing maze

        September - September rain

        August - A lonely trip to the river

        July - Zackery enjoys his river hobbies

        June - The best days

        May - Willy Wonka at the river

        May - Mowing the lawn

        May - Hanging out topside

        April - Bows and Arrows

        March - Zackery's sand box

        February - Doing a little work

        February - Life is good

        January - Trying out some gifts from family


        November - Three Little Pigs

        October - Tent Cot

        September - Labor day

        August - Stonehenge

        July 4th - The Wailing Witch

        June - Zackery's first overnight stay

        May - Zackery does a lot of splashing

        April - My brother joins me at the river

        April - A birthday river visit with Pak

        March - Zackery hikes and fishes


        December - End of the year trip

        November - Lost in the maize

        September - A trip of remembrance

        July - Zackery gets a new toy

        June - My Father's Day Present

        May - Zackery gets his feet wet

        April - Heather's family joins me for my birthday

        April - Another trip with little Zackery

        March - A new truck


        December - Clearing the property line up top... and really stupid people.

        October - A Quick Clean Up Trip

        August - Baby Zackery's first river trip

        July - An 18' flood covers my place!

        June - Another nice trip with my Mom

        May - There and back

        April - Just me and Jo-Jo

        March - A trip with Zackery's dad Mike


        November - Me and Eric T. check out the Leonids

        October - A great trip with my cousin Victor!

        September (late) - The Aoudad cave beckons!

        September - So how to you get a big trailer up that hill?

        August - A special trip with Mom!

        July - A quick visit in the summer

        May - And the thunder roars!

        April - Eric T. joins me again for another river trip

        March - It's been a while since I've been out


        November (late) - Me, Cyndi, and Ashley go for a post-Thanksgiving trip to the river

        November (early) - Me and Eric T.

        October (mid) - And in this corner...

        September (mid) - Callin' the hogs

        September (early) - Labor Day with Cyndi and Fluffy Dog

        August (mid) - A bit closer to the caves

        August (early) - Me and Fred do some exploring

        July (late) - Me, my daughter, and my grandbaby!

        July 4th - It's July Jubilee time in Leakey

        June - Me and Matt go for another land trek

        May - Me and Matt go for a summer visit

        April (late) - It's my birthday party!

        April (early) - I almost have electricity... and we prepare for my birthday!

        March (late - Easter) - Getting some electricity... and the weather here is just so crazy!

        March (early) - And it rains again

        February (late) - Another rainy weekend at the river

        February (early) - A rainy weekend at the river

        January - A cold visit to the land


        November - Just after Thanksgiving

        November - An early fall trip

        October - Cyndi and I get stuck for a few days

        September - Cyndi's family joins us for fun at the river

        September - Me and Frank go on a weekend trip to the cabin

        August - I check out the survey of the land

        July (late)  - It's really our place now

        July 4th - Cyndi and I stay at the "soon to be ours" lot

        June - A visit with the real estate agent in Leakey

        April - A visit to Frank's cabin

Weather at the River
Weather Data From www.wunderground.com

Weather Forecast
River Hydrograph
River Height and Flow Data

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Email: robert@readiger.com